HNSJ is grateful to all those whose vision, persistence, and hard work as past Board members turned dreams into reality for the children of Park Heights by building our Center. They include:

Financial Partners
The Holy Nativity/St. John’s Development Corporation has been very fortunate to have had the generous support of many individuals, foundations, and the State and local governments.

An abundance of support

Harry and Jeannette Weinberg Foundation
The Abell Foundation
France-Merrick Foundation
The Straus Foundation
Charlesmead Foundation
Joseph and Harvey Meyerhoff Family Charitable Funds
The William J Baker Jr, Fund
Hoffberger Foundation
Knott Foundation
Blaustein/Rosenberg Foundation
Ferris Foundation
Hirschhorn Foundation
The Adalman-Goodwin Foundation
The Will and Jada Smith Family Foundation
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
St. Margaret’s Episcopal Church Annapolis
Caplan Family Funds
Harry L Gladding Foundation
Baltimore Community Foundation

State of Maryland Bond Bill
St. Vincent de Paul Head Start
Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development
Baltimore Development Corporation
Community Legacy Program
MD Neighborhood Business Works
Mayor’s Office of Neighborhoods “Neighborhoods First”

Past Directors and Officers
The Rev. Dr. Victoria Sirota, Vicar of Holy Nativity from 1995-2005. It was she who first had the vision of a Center to promote the arts and who for many years guided the development process until just before construction when she left Baltimore. Her dedication, hard work, and persistence in making this project happen, and her openness to expanding the project for other vital programs, will always be gratefully remembered. She was President of the Board.

The Rev. Gregg Knepp, pastor of St. John’s from 1997 to 2012. It was Pastor Gregg who led St. John’s in joining with Holy Nativity to form the HNSJDC, a stable and productive alliance. He faithfully served as its Co-President thru construction of the Center.

Ron Battle - Viola Bell - Clyde Burnett - Linwood Cole - Patricia Friend - Anne Garside Verna Harrison - Myrtle Harrod - John Henderson - Karen Heyward - Faye Houston
Dr. Garry Jennings - Kenneth McElroy - Daniel Motz - Dr. Tramar Murdock-Jennings - Jeremy Myers - Cornell Page - Martha Ruff - Dr. Robert Sirota - Bernadette Temple
Arthur Gray – Will J. Pass III - Lisa Hodges - Seretha Troy - Rovan Wernsdorfer